Optimize Your KPI Targets
with the KPI Accelerator
Optimize Your KPI Targets
with the KPI Accelerator
The KPI Accelerator allows you to set optimal KPI targets for your consultants and help them reach star quality in recruitment!
Key Performance Indicators or KPI’s form the guideline for your personnel consultants to do their job. In order to do their job good, which means reaching company targets, these KPIs should be set correctly. Don’t rely on targets calculated years ago …
Analyze. Adapt. Accelerate.
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The KPI Accelerator Consists of 4 Steps:
KPI Targets form the “Guideline” for Your Consultants
To obtain an adequate “guideline” for consultants, KPI targets should be set according to the quality of the work of consultants. This quality can be derived from the following three questions:
The quality of work differs per consultant, and differences in quality should therefore be considered when setting personnel consultants’ KPI targets.
The KPI Accelerator is a tool that calculates the required KPI targets based on the actual quality of the work of the consultants. This tool summarizes how many phone calls, interviews and introduced candidates are required to reach the target number of placements, each month, quarter and year.
The calculated KPI targets help your agency set up plans for each individual consultant, and for the entire company.